Stock research in its most efficient form.
A visual-first equity research platform for the fundamental investor.

Enriched data for the most successful companies on the market.
Unique tools for the enterprising investor.
Get to know a company in seconds
- Overview of fundamentals and KPIs
- Fully customizable
- Stock performance and price metrics
- Dozens of curated charts

Your data edge
- 1,100+ company-specific operating metrics
- Granular segmentation data
- 10+ years of data
- Hundreds of curated charts
- Request data for your favorite companies

A word from Main Street investors
Retail investors and professional analysts alike use Main Street Data for our unique data, intuitive tools, and beautiful interface.
“Main Street Data solves unique problems in the fundamental data space which makes our lives easier when analyzing companies.”
“Whenever I research a company, I begin by checking their revenue segments on Main Street.”
“Main Street Data is the first place I go to research a new stock.”
“MSD solves a big problem for retail investors - having access to clean & affordable financial data. I now use it every single day.”
“Best place for earnings data on the web!”

Thoughtful data practices.
Standardized financial data is sourced from Finnhub, a trusted leader in the financial data space. KPI metrics are gathered directly from SEC filings and company materials. All data is updated promptly and is thoroughly error-checked on a quarterly basis.
Fast Updates
KPI data is updated within hours of earnings releases. For popular companies, both standardized and KPI data is updated within minutes.
Unique Data
We have over 1,100 company-specific operating metrics that are error checked by multiple team members to ensure accuracy. Data is updated retroactively if a company changes its reporting practices.
Foreign Currencies
Data for international companies is shown in USD. We translate historical figures using real-time exchange rates.
...and a team of devoted builders.

Favorite business: Nintendo

Favorite business: OpenZeppelin

Favorite business: Coinbase

Favorite business: Berkshire Hathaway

Favorite business: Cheniere Energy

Frequently asked questions
Our standardized financial data is sourced from Finnhub and Financial Modeling Prep, while KPI metrics are gathered directly from SEC filings and company investor materials. All data is updated promptly and error-checked on a quarterly basis.
KPI metrics are updated within minutes of earnings releases. We also update standardized metrics manually for popular companies as soon results come out, while other companies depend on our data providers.
“Main Street Data was inspired by a site called Hypercharts, an ultra simple stock research platform that focused on visualizations. I used Hypercharts for a few years before they were acquired and shut down. Shortly after, I began working to create the ultimate visual-first research platform.”
Joe, Founder
We are interested in chatting with anyone who has energy, expertise, and a passion for making wonderful products. At the moment, we are seeking full-stack developers to come on board in exchange for equity. Send us a note on why you’d like to work with us!